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how to get free stuff

Get Free Stuff Online _ How To

Introduction:  Get Free Stuff Online? Sounds Too Good to be True?

Getting things for free really isn’t a pipedream. At least, not if you play your cards right and know what to do. They say that fortune favors the brave, but that’s not always the case. When it comes to getting free stuff, fortune actually favors the knowledgeable and the resourceful.

That matter dealt with, there’s really is no such thing as a free lunch. Even when people give you a gift for Christmas or on your birthday, they do so with the expectation of getting something back — hopefully something of equal or greater value. If you want more than just the usual ties, socks and whatnot that you usually get for the holidays, however, there’s good news for you. Plenty of successful companies out there (including famous name brands) understand the value of giving away free stuff.

In 2013 alone, US companies spent over $94 billion dollars in advertising to get people to try out their latest products. By giving away free samples or supposed promo items, they get consumers like you to try out their stuff, and hope that you then spread it by word of mouth, or come back to purchase a refill or replacement of something you became hooked on. You may also feel a sense of obligation once you’ve been given something for free. Companies rely on this, and this is why you get the freebies. Procter and Gamble, for example, recently gave away over 40,000 products to startled Manhattenites. They consistently and massively increase their sales every time they have a giveaway.

There’s an actual science to this — marketers have begun calling it the reciprocity principle. If they can hook you on that emotion, then bingo! You become repeat business, which is great for a company’s bottom line. What this means for you is that your access to free stuff has just become wider.

There’s a lot of free stuff out there and rest assured, it’s not all getting handed out in tiny bitesized samples at your local supermarket. Besides free software, other goodies on offer include gadgets, books, and movies. Keep reading, and you may even get a free phone and a free yacht, although with some conditions. This book will explain how to get all of the above and more.

Before you go knocking on a business’s door for your freebies, however, there are a few things to bear in mind. There are a few very simple principles before you start.

 Firstly don’t puff up with a sense of entitlement, and remember that it doesn’t pay to be a scumbag. You never know when you’ll end up being publically embarrassed on the news. With that in mind, never take more than you need.

 When you do get free stuff, don’t sell it on for a profit. Putting it up on eBay or Craigslist is equally a no-no, especially since you’ll open yourself up to a host of legal problems.

 Finally, if you do like the freebie, then have the decency to at least recommend it to others or write a nice review for the product.

Once you’ve got these three rules figured out, you can move right on to actually getting the free stuff. This ebook will teach you how to get free things (from the mundane to the bizarre) without having to start a blog, write reviews for a living, or become a mystery shopper. It will also provide specific resources so you can start on your free adventure right away, pretty much.

So let’s get started!

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